
Colégio Educallis is an educational institution with over 30 years in the market. Combining tradition in education with an eye on what is currently happening in the world, it stood out during this period as one of the reference schools in the city of São Luís.

As a result of decades of dedication from its partners, its students managed to achieve notable results in the National High School Exam and other nationally renowned entrance exams.

Educallis School – São Luís, MA, Brazil
In person
October 2013 to  August 2014 
CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator
Research, visual brand, visual identity
elements, brandbook

The challenge

After decades in the market, the partners decided to follow different paths, and consequently, there was a legal need to change the name of the institution, so that it could expand its business without obstacles.

There was a fear that if this name and visual brand transition was not done properly, there would be a risk that the school community would not identify with the new identity and, consequently, doubt that the services quality would be maintained and a consequent customers decrease and share of market loss.

After conversations with the entrepreneurs, it was decided that the new name should, at the same time, preserve something of the previous identity and combine with something conceptually new that could represent this new phase of the business.

The solution

Therefore, a brand perception survey was carried out among teachers, students, parents, management and suppliers. This research then served as the basis for generating ideas that could summarize the feelings that these people felt for the institution. Then came the word calis, derived from the Latin via, path. Joining the prefix edu, which in addition to referring to education, was also the affectionate nickname of the old school. This gave rise to the name Educallis – the path of education.

In relation to visual identity, it was understood that this path did not necessarily need to be done on the ground, but that each individual, each student would have at Educallis the necessary training to decide which path to follow, tracing their route, reaching new heights. During the research, the figure of the peregrine falcon was found, which is a bird that can be found on almost every continent. In several different angles of the bird, the letter E, the initial of the school’s name, can be seen. So, the symbol created made it possible to develop several different patterns to compose the business’ visual identity.

The process

Alignment meeting: briefing preparation with the board.

Strategy definition: approach definition to solve the problem, including brand perception survey structuring with stakeholders.

Research: brand perception research application and its subsequent tabulation and analysis

Ideas generation: solution alternatives generation based on data collected in the research.

Presentation: concept, naming and visual identity of the brand explanation and customer feedback collection.

Adjustment and delivery: visual identity modifications after presentation; secondary visual identity elements creation; brandbook creation; delivery.
